New IMECT school building under construction!
We are extremely pleased to update our supporters on the progress of a new school building for the IMECT school. For 10 years, our students and teachers at the IMECT school exceeded all reasonable expectations while using an old plywood structure which was only ever meant to be temporary. Thanks to the generous gifts of our donors, we have been able to commence the construction of a much improved, brand new building for this school.
Construction has been progressing with remarkable speed given the many challenges common to Haiti. We are currently at a state of 50% completion. The project, begun only a few months ago, promises to give the IMECT students and teachers the solid, permanent school building they richly deserve. Thank you to all our sponsors, especially the major sponsor of this project, Swedish Scholarship Foundation, and to the builders! The above photo shows the early stages, which have rapidly progressed since then! (Below)
What was recently just pits in the ground is now resembling a school building!