GSF continues to monitor COVID-19 in Haiti


As the coronavirus pandemic has developed worldwide, it has remained difficult to have a clear picture of COVID-19 in Haiti. Our GSF schools have been closed along with the rest of Haiti’s schools, and the government has set a date of August 1st to return to school. However, the situation remains complex and unpredictable. Two recent articles, both detailing the uncertainties and challenges of COVID-19 in Haiti’s immediate future, underline the difficulty of making plans in the current situation.

As of now, GSF is making preparations to re-open school on August 1st per government recommendation, but is also preparing for the eventuality that the plan may have to change again. Agriculturally, Île à Vache continues to be in drought conditions, challenging our productive capacity to supply our food distribution program. Nevertheless, as ever, GSF staff on the ground and abroad continue in our best efforts to continue to support the local population in a time of major uncertainty. Further, we thank our community of donors for their steadfast support in a challenging time.


GSF receives $1000 gift to boost malnutrition program


GSF Agricultural harvests going to our students during coronavirus